Usability Testing
Client: Betta Innovations LLC
Team: John Lee
Role: Moderator and researcher
Tools: XD prototype, Zoom, projector
The Why: run task based tests with actual users of the product to check usability and satisfaction
My Approach: I mapped out a schedule to the next couple of days of testing and synthesis. My team was made clear of our goals and tasks to make the usability sessions run smoothly.
My Process and Setup:
Users recruited: 6
The script, my body language, and the lab sets the tone for the following 30 minutes. I ensured our participants that their honest feedback is never wrong and that this is not a test.
I asked permission to record the audio, screen, and their face through zoom so my team could observe as well. Inside the lab was just myself and a note taker and we wanted to give the design and development teams a chance to see how users will interact with our product.
By using zoom, we connected to a designer in another room to give the whole team the opportunity to observe. We connected a projector to the computer as well so my note taker could have a better way to see mouse movement and still look at the participants facial reactions.
I made a script that would speak to our target users
I set the scene with scenarios and paired those with a task each. I discreetly noted if the participants completed the task so we know that the product is effective.
What Could Go Wrong? Preparing for errors with testing is just an important as the success of the tests. Technical difficulties are a nightmare but knowing how to respond is key.
For example: My team was ready in the design room to observe the test but Zoom didn’t want to expand and hide it’s navigation bar like I wanted it to. So my team got to watch me fumble around a bit while attempting to smooth the situation by asking about the participants weekend plans. The participant ended up knowing the ins and outs of Zoom and assisted in solving the problem. We had success and continued on to the session! I was later told by my design and development team that the whole event was humorous to them. As long as they had some entertainment and learned about user perceptions along the way, then my job is done.
One participant
1. Finding an internship is intuitive to this participant
2. The task was completed with no errors
3. The participant made a suggestion
Another participant
1. Color scheme is satisfying
2. Navigation was intuitive and the task was completed
3. Fonts may be too small
Data Synthesis in Miro
Positives presented to Design Team:
1. Tasks were intuitive and completed
2. Participants were satisfied with their experience with the product
3. The colors and general layout were perceived as good.
Problems presented to Design Team:
1. Text is small at times
2. Some icons do not match the text
3. Text over hero image is not centered